Georgetown College in cooperation with the Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps (空军后备军官训练队) de-tachment at the 肯塔基大学 offers a two, 三个, 或者四年的空军后备军官训练队项目. These programs allow qualified students an opportunity to earn a commission as an officer in the active duty U.S.

空军后备军官训练队的课程在肯塔基大学的校园里开设. 学生自己负责交通. Students attend classes at the 肯塔基大学 (UK) while enrolling for all other courses at Georgetown College. 请联系英国的AFROTC办公室,电话:(859)257-7115,了解入学信息. 其他学生也可以选修这些课程, 如下所列, 在365BET体育学院注册其他课程的同时.

(Sixteen semester hours of ROTC credit can be counted toward a bachelor’s degree at Georgetown College.)

从学院毕业并完成两门课程中的任何一门, 三个, 或者四年的空军后备军官训练队项目, students are commissioned as active duty second lieutenants in the United States Air Force.


奖学金 may be available to qualified students who enroll in the 空军后备军官训练队 program. 这些奖学金提供全额学费, 实验室的费用, 一个月的图书津贴和一个月的免税生活津贴. Students coming to Georgetown College on an 空军后备军官训练队 scholarship receive free room and board for the number of years equal to the length of their scholarship and must enroll for Aerospace Studies classes to activate their scholarship.

高中毕业生有资格获得四年的空军后备军官训练队奖学金. 申请人的评估依据:

  1. 美国大学考试(ACT)或学术能力测试(SAT)的结果
  2. 高中学习成绩和班级排名
  3. 课外和体育活动
  4. 一个空军军官的个人面试

High school seniors who feel they can meet the basic eligibility requirements for a four-year scholarship must submit an application by December 1 of the year prior to graduation from high school. 所有的选拔都在阿拉巴马州的空军后备军官训练队总部进行. 高中学生应在网上申请奖学金

奖学金 are also awarded to cadets enrolled in the 空军后备军官训练队 program on a competitive basis for two and 三个 years. Initial qualification for these is handled by the detachment staff at the 肯塔基大学. Final selection is made by a central selection board at 空军后备军官训练队 headquarters. Express scholarships may also be available for qualified minority students or students with scientific and technical academic majors. 详情请致电859-257-7115.


普通军事课程(GMC), 摄于大一和大二期间, 包括八个配对课程(AFS 111) & 112,第113页 & 114页,第211页 & 212和AFS 213 & 每门课有一小时的学分. 每门课每周上一次课. 一个是学术课程,一个是领导力实验室. 领导实验室 is open to students who are members of AFROTC or are eligible to pursue a commission as deter-mined by the Professor of Aerospace Studies.


专业人员课程(POC)的入学竞争激烈. Individuals who have completed the GMC may apply as well as any other interested applicants. All applicants must successfully complete a Field Training camp prior to entrance into the POC. Individuals who have completed the GMC will attend a four-week camp while those individuals interested in the two-year program will attend a longer camp. POC由四门学术课程组成,每门课程为三学分. It also consists of four 领导实验室 classes for which there is one credit hour. 学术课程和领导力实验室每周开一次会. All ca-dets contracted in the POC receive a monthly nontaxable subsistence allowance and could qualify for a scholar-ship as long as they have at least a 2.5累积绩点. Students who receive scholarship receive funding to help pay for tuition and books in addition to their monthly nontaxable subsistence.


具体问题请咨询:单位招生官, 肯塔基大学, 列克星敦, KY 40506-0028或致电1-859-257-7115.


111. 航空航天研究I, AFROTC. (1 hour) A course designed to provide the student with a basic understanding of the nature and principles of war, 国家权力, 以及国防部在国家安全组织中的作用.

112. 领导研讨会. (1小时)为培养管理者的基本技能而设计的课程, 包括通信, 人际关系, 以及机会均等的管理. 该学位的学时要求不计入学分.

113. 航空航天研究I, AFROTC. (1 hour) A course designed to provide the student with a basic understanding of the contribution of aerospace power to the total U.S. 战略上的进攻和防御军事姿态.

114. 领导研讨会. (1小时)继续AFS 113. A course designed to develop managerial skills including superior/subordinate relationships, 通信, 习俗与礼节, 基本的训练动作和职业发展要求. 该学位的学时要求不计入学分.

211. 航空航天研究II, AFROTC. (1 hour) Introduces the study of air power from a historical perspective; focuses on the development of air power into a primary element of national security. 透过积极参与学员团,延续领导经验. 讲座,一小时.

212. 领导研讨会. (1 hour) A course designed for development of advanced skills required to be a manager/leader, 包括领导风格, 公众演讲, 团体动力学, 动机, 为现场训练做准备. 该学位的学时要求不计入学分.

213. 航空航天研究II, AFROTC. (1 hour) Provides a foundation for understanding how air power has been employed in military and non-military operations to support national objectives. 考察国防机构不断变化的使命, 特别强调美国空军. 讲座,一小时.

214. 领导研讨会. (1小时)AFS 213的延续. A course designed to develop supervisory management skills to include 通信, 批判技巧, 社会行动, 人员评估程序, problemsolving, 角色扮演. 该学位的学时要求不计入学分.

311. 航空航天研究III, AFROTC. (3 hours) A study of management function with emphasis on the individual as a manager in an Air Force environment. 个人动机和行为过程, 沟通, and 团体动力学 are included to provide a foundation for the development of professional skills as an Air Force Officer. Students refine their leadership and managerial abilities by organizing and managing a quasi-military unit.

312. 领导实验室. (1小时)实验室配合AFS 311.

313. 航空航天研究III, AFROTC. (3小时)对领导力的研究,特别强调空军领导人. 包括理论、专业和交际方面. 除了, military justice and administrative law are discussed within the context of the military organization. Students continue to develop and refine their leadership abilities by organizing and managing a military unit, 学员团, 哪种情况需要有效的领导.

314. 领导实验室. (1小时)实验室配合AFS 313.

411. 航空航天研究IV, AFROTC. (3小时)学习军事专业, 军民互动, 交际技能, 国防政策框架, 制定防御战略. Students refine their leadership abilities by organizing and managing a military unit, 学员团, 哪种情况需要有效的领导. 前提条件:AFS 311, 312或批准PAS.

412. 领导实验室. (1小时)实验室配合AFS 411.

413. 航空航天研究IV, AFROTC. (3小时)继续学习战略和冲突管理, 制定和实施.S. 国防政策,国防组织和国防政策制定的案例研究. Students also refine their leadership abilities by organizing and managing a military unit, 学员团, 哪种情况需要有效的领导. 前提条件:AFS 311, 312,或批准PAS.

414. 领导实验室. (1小时)实验室配合AFS 413.

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